Marketing Strategy for Pisang Pasir in Bu Lis' Home Industry in Mojokerto City


Salsabila Luki Pangesti , Ariesia Ayuning Gemaputri , Dhanang Eka Putra , Fredy Eka Ardhi Pratama




Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): June


Strategi Pemasaran, SWOT, QSPM
Received: Feb 21, 2023
Accepted: May 07, 2023
Published: Jun 28, 2023


How to Cite

S. L. Pangesti, A. A. Gemaputri, D. E. Putra, and F. E. A. Pratama, “Marketing Strategy for Pisang Pasir in Bu Lis’ Home Industry in Mojokerto City”, jmaa, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 52–61, Jun. 2023.


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This research is motivated by the sand banana product which has been produced for a long time but is still a favorite product for teenagers. However, as time goes by, coupled with the development of technology, more and more business competitors are selling similar products, making sand banana products marginalized. The location of the Banana Pasir Buk Lis UMKM is located at Gang Gotong Royong No. 4, Mergelo, Balongsari, Magersari District, Mojokerto City. This research aims to: 1) Analyze internal and external factors in the marketing strategy of banana sand at the UMKM Pisang Pasir Buk Lis. 2) Determine and analyze appropriate strategies in the marketing strategy for banana sand at the UMKM Pisang Pasir Buk Lis. 3) Determine and explain the priority strategies of several alternative marketing strategies for banana sand at the UMKM Pisang Pasir Buk Lis. By using calculations, the data analysis method used in this research is conducting internal and external observations of the company which are examined through IFE and EFE, IE Matrix, SWOT Matrix and QSPM analysis to be able to determine alternative strategies. Based on the results of the QSPM calculation research, it was found that the main priority strategy was improving and maintaining product quality, taste and service with a TAS score of 6.96.


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Author Biographies

Salsabila Luki Pangesti, MAHASISWA

Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis

Ariesia Ayuning Gemaputri, Politeknik Negeri Jember

Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis

Dhanang Eka Putra, Politeknik Negeri Jember

Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis

Fredy Eka Ardhi Pratama, Politeknik Negeri Jember

Jurusan Manajemen Agribisnis


Copyright (c) 2023 Salsabila Luki Pangesti, Ariesia Ayuning Gemaputri, Dhanang Eka Putra, Fredy Eka Ardhi Pratama

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